The Perfect Brand Video

We seek to understand our clients on a deeper level before a camera ever comes out of the bag. Pre interviews, site tours and online research are the first steps in every project we do.

Every project begins with seeking first to understand. On this TKI brand video project, we conducted 13 pre-interviews with company stakeholders and multiple site visits to ensure we had our thumb on the pulse. When you need to be heard and understood… we’re here for you.

Winning Hearts And Minds

When you need to connect with your target audience, telling your story is most effective. How do you win hearts and minds? By creating an emotional connection with your content. Recently we reached out to help the Kelowna Gospel Mission raise funds for their programs serving the community’s unhoused population. The mission wanted to raise $50,000 in support of this and was completely blown away by raising $150,000 for their campaign. The campaign videos we created for them helped put a spotlight on the work they do, and the sense of urgency that comes with it.